Bhakti Yoga - Divine Nature Sanctuary
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Bhakti Yoga

dansashinipujaIt is said that all spiritual paths lead one to Divine love. Bhakti Yoga is known as the yoga of devotion or loving the Divine. The path of Bhakti yoga has many positive qualities. Love is the main ingredient. Bhakti (devotion) yoga is said to be a very direct path, by loving the Divine we easily merge into the connection with the Divine, the underlying essence of all yoga (union). One can see the Divine in many of its various forms, as Gods, Goddesses, Gurus, Animals, Nature, Humans or simply all that exists. Essentially through the energy of love and devotion towards Divine, one begins to feel united with Divine and the energy of love.

At Divine Nature we offer various forms of devotional practices, but some of our favorite Bhakti practices are:


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