Vedic Puja's - Divine Nature Sanctuary
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Vedic Puja’s

dansashinipuja1Vedic is a term to describe use of the Veda’s. Puja means offering. Puja is a spiritual practice of devotion and communion with the Divine. It is a type of meditation in which you not only use your mind and energy to access a peaceful and blissful state, but also simple physical actions in the form of ritual. The rituals are extremely beautiful and have rich symbology. Using spiritual tools like mantra, flowers, and specific offerings to a symbolic deity, puja assists one in focusing our love and energy on the Divine. As we focus with devotion, the divine qualities become imbued into our being. This is the beauty and magic of Puja ceremonies.

Since visiting and experiencing puja’s at Sri Narayani Peedam we have found that practicing puja can be a very powerful and magical way to connect to Divine energy’s and it often bestows so many blessings for the world, some tangible and others not so, but always leaves us with a peaceful, joyous feeling.

We have been inspired by our Guru Sri Shakti Amma to perform many pujas for the benefit of  Mother Earth and all of mankind. Being in tune with nature, we follow the moon cycles.

We offer Vedic Shakti Fire Puja’s on the new and full moon of each month.  The Shakti puja’s invoke the creative force, for powerful blessings and big change. Fire pujas work on many levels, but basically invoke the blessings of various God and Goddess.  It is a blessing itself to attend one of these pujas. Please subscribe to our newsletter (below) to be invited to our events.

The other puja’s we offer are Abishakem a water ceremony, by personal invite only. And flower pujas on special occasions, for bringing about spaciousness and beauty. Each puja brings about a different type of blessings.

A Puja is a spiritual practice of devotion and communion with the Divine. It is a type of meditation in which you not only use your mind and energy to access a peaceful and blissful state, but also simple physical actions in the form of ritual. The rituals are extremely beautiful. They have rich symbology, which has a profound effect on our unconscious, helping us to let go of the restrictions we place upon ourselves and to simply allow the Divine within us to be and breathe.

Since 2004, Daniels’ first visit to India, he became intrigued by puja and started practicing on his own as soon as he could. We spend around 3 months per year living in a Vedic culture in India, mainly at Sri Narayani Peedam.

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