One on One Healing Sessions - Divine Nature Sanctuary
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One on One Healing Sessions

One on One Healing Sessions

Daniel and Sashini both offer one-on-one healings at Divine Nature Sanctuary.

Jasmine Ra’vishna

sashJasmine offers healing sessions that include hands-on energy transmission, sound healing with quartz crystal bowls and celestial channeled sound light transmissions with her divine voice.

Jasmine has trained in several healing modalities which she combines and tailors to suit each individual. One on one or group arrangement also possible.


Daniel Rawson

DanyogaDaniel specializes in Chakra re-balancing using mantra sound activation for each chakra and pranic healing (Pranic Healing with Master Choa Kok Sui). These healings are especially good for releasing attachments,  negative forces and disease from one.

Feel like you are stuck or congested in an area or having trouble releasing a deep seated pattern, relationship or unknown energy, then these powerful healing’s will enable instant, permanent change, realigning oneself to their original essence.

Daniel also has a vast knowledge of mantra’s. If you are undergoing some undesirable situation in life, then he can direct you to which mantra you employ to transform the situation. Or if you are wanting some experience, like awakening the kundalini or removing tamasic (stuck) energy, then Daniel can guide you.

One on one sessions, one and half hours ~ $80 ~ long distance sessions are also available via skype

Contact us here for an appointment or call 0266849262, or feel free to subscribe to our newsletter (scroll down) for our latest events emailed to you.

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