Yoga Classes in the Shakti Temple ~ Sundays 9:30 - 11am - Divine Nature Sanctuary
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Yoga Classes in the Shakti Temple ~ Sundays 9:30 – 11am

Yoga Classes in the Shakti Temple ~ Sundays 9:30 – 11am

DanyogaDaniel is a qualified Hatha Yoga teacher with four years of teaching experience. His classes have a devotional aspect to them, allowing one to easily connect body, mind and spirit. The classes occur in the Shakti Yurt Temple or weather permitting somewhere sweet in nature. Daniel also has a background in physiotherapy, giving an in-depth knowledge across anatomy, physiology and injury recovery. Please email to book a spo or to find out more about Daniel’s yoga classes please  click here.


Classes are taught in a way that is adaptable for all people, variations are taught for all postures to make them as soft or intense as you desire.


Each class that you do will include components of;

  • Asana (postures),
  • Pranayama (breath work)
  • Meditation (cultivating awareness and relaxation)



Physical practices: safety first

Physical postures are performed in a non-competitive atmosphere with an emphasis on safety and self-awareness. Postures invigorate your body, develop strength, endurance, flexibility and remove tensions from your body and mind.


Breathing practices: instant calm

The breath is the bridge between the body and the mind. Breathing practices vitalize, balance and expand the life force flowing through you and by integrating body and mind induce deep relaxation; easing physical, mental and emotional tensions.




Meditation practices: inner peace

Practices cultivate awareness, calmness and a deep sense of inner peace. You gain a greater understanding of your inner nature, connection to your soul, develop your will power, concentration and the potential for personal growth.

Relaxation practices: time out

Relaxation practices release stress in your body and mind, re-charge your energy and promote healing. Everyone’s favorite relaxation practice is Yoga Nidra, a systematic technique that deeply relaxes and rejuvenates all levels of your being.


Contact Daniel for private sessions and healing sessions are also available Om Shanthi
daniel @
02 66849262








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