We have been inspired by Sri Shakti Amma to perform many pujas for the benefit of all of mankind, Mother Earth or any other specific blessing desired. Daniel has been initiated into offering these powerful practices with many different intentions, mostly for the benefit of all creation.
Being in tune with nature, we follow the moon cycles. We offer Vedic Shakti Fire Puja’s on the new and full moon of each month. The Shakti Puja’s invoke the creative force, for powerful blessings and big change. Fire pujas work on many levels, but basically invoke the blessings of various God and Goddess. It is a blessing itself to attend one of these pujas.
Please subscribe to our newsletter (below) to be invited to our events. The other puja’s we offer are Abishakem Puja (cleansing ceremony) accompanied by Kirtan songs, currently every Friday night 2016. And flower pujas on special occasions, for bringing about spaciousness and beauty. Each puja brings about a different type of blessings. Please subscribe to our newsletter (below) to be notified about our events or
contact us to request for a puja to be offered on your behalf.
Vedic is a term to describe use of the Veda’s . Puja mean offering. Since visiting and experiencing puja’s at Sri Narayani Peedam we have found that practicing puja can be a very powerful and magical way to connect to Divine energy’s and it often bestows so many blessings for the world, some tangible and others not so, but always leaves us with a peaceful, joyous feeling.
Since 2004, Daniels’ first visit to India, he became intrigued by puja and started practicing on his own as soon as he could. We spend around 3 months per year living in a Vedic culture in India, mainly at Sri Narayani Peedam. Daniel is not a Vedic Priest, but has been given the blessings to perform some puja’s that do not require one to be a Vedic Priest. Puja being an offering to the Divine, is always heard, received and blessed.